Gratitude and Acceptance
I give thanks to the life that I have.
I give thanks to my parents for giving me the life and choices that I have due to their decisions they make to ensure that their children and the generations after that will have a better life in Australia. Their sacrifices they made to ensure each and everyone of us have an education and lifestyle. Education and self improvement are always important. Learning to be independant and to have integrity, morals, respect and compassion are important their lives.
I give thanks to them for being there for me and my siblings. Giving words of wisdoms and being there for me when I needed it.
I give thanks for their understanding and their support and giving me the space for the journey I have to make in order to find my purpose in life.
I give thanks to the people in my life, past, present and the future. Mentors and friends and past relationships that have come into my life. I give thanks to the life experiences I had, whether good experiences or bad experiences. These are all life learning processes. I can choose to be bitter and carry a burden for the rest of my life or I can choose to learn and see the positive lessons from that situations. Bitter or sweet, it is a choice. I chose sweet and the journey from now on will be even sweeter and more fullfilling.
It is a very fine line, do I choose to be bitter and then waste all the precious energy and life force to dwell on the past and be miserable for the rest of my life or pick myself up and be grateful and show gratitude that I have the chance to learn from the experiences and come to understand why this was brought about. Why it happened, acknowledged that it did happened and released it to the universe and lay it down to rest and then move on. These are all life lessons and learn from it.
I am a firm believer that things happened for a reason. It is the universe trying to show us what we focus on. When I focus on positivity I will get a positive vibrations and vice versa. I now focus on what I want and learn to listen to my inner self and be guided to release "the power within me". Love, respect and self acceptance of who I am and to listen to my higher purpose in life. Life now is so fulfilling and the journey is so, so much sweeter.
I have learnt to not fight and suppress the the real self that I am meant to be and can be. The power is within me and it has always been there. I have now acknowleged it and let it bloom and to trust myself and nurture it and it will show me my destiny in life. I now must learn gratitude.
Rather than to find outside sources to complete me, I must nurture and love my inner core and be self completed. We were all born alone and we will all die alone. So why can't we be self sufficient. This is a journey that alot of people will have to partake and luckily for others, they will find it if they seek it but sadly for others, life for them will be so lonely and unsatisfying.
Wow!!! the answers was always in front of me the whole time. Once I learn to trust myself and to love myself, I can see and feel so clearly that it has always been inside of me. What a release!!! The flood gates have been long overdue have opened now and I know that I have reached the place that I have been seeking. I have come HOME.
I give thanks and gratitude to the universe and higher beings.
I give thanks and gratitude to myself to have now finally acknowledged who I am and now release me from the bounds that I have imposed years ago and let me flourish and grow to my fullest potential and to have the future that is rightfully mine.
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