What is Alice up to?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Unique Individual

I have indeed come a long way. My journey has been filled with lots of experiences of heartache, joy, tears, exhilaration, love, happiness, disppointment and sorrows. The last couple of years has been a real self realisation of my whole reason on being in this universal. Lots of soul searching and meditation and trying to understand the whole of reason of being and who I am.

I can now say, that it is all worth it. I am a much better and happier person. I know who I am and I know what I want. I will let the law of attraction match my positive vibrations and I am now waiting to receive everything that I allow into my life.

I dedicate this video clip to the most admired and unique individual that I know and I applaud her. GO GIRL!!!!!


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