What is Alice up to?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jasmyn Tsen

Introducing Baby Jasmyn Tsen. Born 11:30am 10th June 2008, weighing 2.71kg, 48cm tall. The long awaited baby and newest addition to the family. Everybody is so happy and joyous to celebrate her arrival. Mother and baby are resting and proud dad is beaming from ear to ear.
Jasmyn having her beauty-rest. Aunty Cindy, Irene (proud & exhausted mum), Aunty Alice & Baby Jasmyn.
Aunty and niece getting acquainted.
Bonding time!!!!
Aunty Cindy and Jasmyn.
Grandma and Jasmyn.
Angelic Jasmyn. Sound asleep but enjoying all the attention. Proud parents!!!!!!!!!


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